Superb journalist, major ally of former Scientologists, author of one of the best books about Scientology, and all-round top bloke. I can't wait to listen.

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Thank you, Tony. This was a great interview! I read his book shortly after it was published; a very good book. It increased my understanding about the cos and the issue of human trafficking. Jose, escaping and eating grass in the park, is an image that stays with me still. A must read for Scientology watchers.

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Like you, the story of Jose forced to eat grass to survive will never leave me.

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O/T but I just saw on Twitter that Dan Sherman has died?? Is this the end of Shermanspeak? (Miscavige's longtime speechwriter)

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Thanks for interviewing Steve. I love his book and I recommend it to other Aussies all the time. I didn't realise he was having legal troubles! Not good!

The same laws that are impacting him also effect victims of sexual assault when they speak out. Look into Geoffrey Rush case...

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