Oh, healthy nutritious food on the Freewinds! Riiiiiiight. My first day on my first trip on that little boat was a disaster never to be forgotten (so appropriate to see it docked in the small boat dock, surrounded by little fishing scows and dive boats!).

Got aboard, working on setting up equipment, and someone comes around with a greasy sea food platter. I guess maybe conchs and mussels or something, not sure. Deeply deep fried and heavily salted. Sort of good, the way french-fries are good.

After a few of these, imagine my surprise when the boat pulled away from the dock! Rocking, rolling, dipping, swaying. Soon my greasy snack was on the deck again, along with everything else I tried to eat for the next four weeks whenever the ship was underway. Ron Miscavige used to say "Ralph is in the bathroom again" when he'd hear me in the head. Ralphing with all my strength.

For a time they were bringing leftovers to the Galley (where the crew eat). I finally got to taste "Death By Chocolate" and other amazing concoctions intended to impress the paying customers. Don't know how anyone could call that healthy, though perhaps in the twenty years since I was there they changed the menu up a bit.

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Oh, wow, I couldn’t tell what most of it was, but it didn’t look too healthy or nutritious. Especially the death by chocolate, which I could identify. And you’re trapped at sea to be hounded until you give up your last penny to go into Davey’s war chest. On top of whatever it cost you to get there. I have yet to see anything in this so called religion that is free ( oh wait, I forgot about the touch assists.

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"where designer merchandise are offered with pride by a friendly and charming people." That sounds like the locals are trying to horn in on the Fleecewinds action. The lack of OT7 'classes' just shows how few are getting up the ranks to #7.

Notice how so many of the 'conferences' are geared to getting money. I wonder if the ship ever hosted some of the Christian prosperity preachers? I can see a convocation of fake Baptists and non-denominational dudes exchanging methods of parting fools from their money on that ship.

Someone check the engine room for Gavin Potter. Some folks on the mainland are looking for him.

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I made many trips to the Freewinds for the Artists conventions and the Music Artists conventions. Anyone remember those? John Novello, David Campbell and I pretty much founded the Music Artist convention.

This was a time when there were still lots of active creative talent in Scientology. This was the mid to late 90’s. Those people are gone. What creative person in his or her right mind would want to be part of a totalitarian, abusive and exploitive organization.

I’d forgotten about that whole period of my Scientology life. I apologize to anyone I might have drawn in to that money grubbing, energy sucking excuse for a cruise ship.

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You're not responsible for anyone's decisions, but you're own, Geoff. I get you though.

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Hurricane season.

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I wonder how many people even entertain joining SCN and if they research? I still can't wrap my head around SCN still existing. It must be doing something right for all legal enforcement agences to leave it along. Sad realization.

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