I’m currently working on my the installment of my story where I finally am out and healing. In it, I compare the actual psychological counseling I got after I left to the claptrap Hubbard called spiritual counseling. There is a reason Hubbard eschewed psychotherapy. It is so different and so non robotic, it gets to the root of the problem. Hubbard knew anyone who saw a psychiatrist would see right through his con.
As for the thousands at the protest, with the dwindling membership, people would have to come from long distances to make a thousand people protest. I doubt that there are hundreds of Scientologists close enough to New York to make this a day trip. Glad it was a nice day for a bike ride.
As Tony said, major fail. I worked for the NY State Office of Mental Health for many years. And almost no one ever heard of the CCHR. The few who did know lived in the Central NY area and had to deal with Tom Szasz for many years. I always wondered why the Upstate Medical Center kept him on board as a professor of psychiatry. I am still wondering. After his 2 very public lawsuits, I would have sent him home with a court order telling him to stop practicing psychiatry.
Thank you Tony for your on the scene reporting. I was once a CCHR commissioner and friends with Jan Eastgate. In a nutshell, while psychiatry, psychology and neurology and related sciences have made great strides, Scientology is stuck with the Hubbard/Miscavige pseudo science which is only effective in helping people rid themselves of their money and their sanity. The organization is shrinking rapidly. By, By Miss American Lie………..
I knew ahead of time that there wouldn't be thousands of protesters from Scientology turning out. I predicted at most it would be in the dozens and it wasn't even that many. I was involved in Scientology during its heyday in the 80's and even then it had a very bad reputation and a low membership. I think the only thing that's keeping Scientology barely alive is the support of celebrity puppets like Jeff Pomerantz and Tom Cruise. Also, the wealthy but foolish members who donate a million dollars or more so they can win a prestigious award and get their picture taken with David Miscavige.
I'm glad you had a nice trip to the convention center, Tony.
But the CCHR protests have always been big on huffing and puffing and often short on actual protesting. One glorious event in London (the UK equivalent) was announced with the usual bombast, and they were in a run of actually protesting. One (1) protester announced on Anon's website that they were going to be counter protesting, and they did. No CCHR presence. Utter failure.
Oh, the anticipation….then the letdown. What a joke.
I’m currently working on my the installment of my story where I finally am out and healing. In it, I compare the actual psychological counseling I got after I left to the claptrap Hubbard called spiritual counseling. There is a reason Hubbard eschewed psychotherapy. It is so different and so non robotic, it gets to the root of the problem. Hubbard knew anyone who saw a psychiatrist would see right through his con.
As for the thousands at the protest, with the dwindling membership, people would have to come from long distances to make a thousand people protest. I doubt that there are hundreds of Scientologists close enough to New York to make this a day trip. Glad it was a nice day for a bike ride.
As Tony said, major fail. I worked for the NY State Office of Mental Health for many years. And almost no one ever heard of the CCHR. The few who did know lived in the Central NY area and had to deal with Tom Szasz for many years. I always wondered why the Upstate Medical Center kept him on board as a professor of psychiatry. I am still wondering. After his 2 very public lawsuits, I would have sent him home with a court order telling him to stop practicing psychiatry.
Thank you Tony for your on the scene reporting. I was once a CCHR commissioner and friends with Jan Eastgate. In a nutshell, while psychiatry, psychology and neurology and related sciences have made great strides, Scientology is stuck with the Hubbard/Miscavige pseudo science which is only effective in helping people rid themselves of their money and their sanity. The organization is shrinking rapidly. By, By Miss American Lie………..
I knew ahead of time that there wouldn't be thousands of protesters from Scientology turning out. I predicted at most it would be in the dozens and it wasn't even that many. I was involved in Scientology during its heyday in the 80's and even then it had a very bad reputation and a low membership. I think the only thing that's keeping Scientology barely alive is the support of celebrity puppets like Jeff Pomerantz and Tom Cruise. Also, the wealthy but foolish members who donate a million dollars or more so they can win a prestigious award and get their picture taken with David Miscavige.
I would've stopped for a Sabrett hotdog!
I'm glad you had a nice trip to the convention center, Tony.
But the CCHR protests have always been big on huffing and puffing and often short on actual protesting. One glorious event in London (the UK equivalent) was announced with the usual bombast, and they were in a run of actually protesting. One (1) protester announced on Anon's website that they were going to be counter protesting, and they did. No CCHR presence. Utter failure.
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
And in the next Keeping Scientology Working News there will be a centerpage spread about the thousands that protested with ‘mocked’ up photos.