Sandrine looks more and more like what Hubbard referred to as “glee of insanity” with each level. It’s harder to leave and get your brain back once you’ve gotten the body thetan indoctrination. Even Hubbard drove himself slowly insane believing these clusters of other souls had attached themselves to him. He had no right pretending he knew the secrets of the brain. I hope Sandrine is ok.

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I know what you mean Val. The way Sandrine is smiling in the photo, looks more like an insane smile than a happy one. I've seen the same thing with other people in Scientology. Their smiles look like phony P.R. smiles instead of genuine. In regards to Hubbard, do think he believed in all this himself or was it a clever con job that made him a millionaire?

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I think he did and did not believe in himself. I think the more people flocked to him, the more inflated his ego got to the point where he started believing his own hype and that he was infallible, which led him to taking credit for things he didn’t do, muddying the truth even in his own mind. I hope that makes sense.

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(Are you paying by cash or card?) The true end phenomenon of $cientology.

If we have so many BTs that were drug addicts, we also must have many drug addict counselors in us too. Why didn't Lroon make those two groups fight it out? Oh, silly me, that is where the 'cash or card' thing comes in to play.

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Operating Thetan levels are all part of L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction imagination. He was probably the most successful (and despicable) con artist in world history. It's pathetic that people like Sandrine have spent tens of thousands of dollars on this nonsense. Some day she may realize that she's been defrauded out of thousands of dollars and feel very foolish as I did, when I finally left Scientology in 1988.

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the first time I contemplated the OT 4 theory, I never got to OT 3 so grokking how I would have contemplated it is as good as I could do, is to think body-thetans which are stuck to me, if I believed this, would be able to transfer any of their kooky own past lives trauma.

All it is is leakage of a body-thetan's "unhandled case" over to my mind, and thus freeing/exorcising the body-thetan(s) targetted thus rids me of any "case" leakage from them.

But, it's so far fetched, this case leakage from a body-thetan or a body-thetan cluster, it's just too much.

It opens the door to all sorts of other body-thetan "case leakage" of unimaginable complexity that Hubbard never even thought needed addressing.

The science fiction past lives "case" complexities from other souls (body-thetans are merely bodiless souls which still have their Xenu implanted "case" and other "case" like having their past lives drug cases) is just too much to further speculate about.

I always jump to the further thoughts that other things, other "case" could have been gathered by souls in the cosmos and be leaking into our minds!

It just gets too weird to think "case" could even leak from one soul to the other, like Hubbard says "case" leaks from "our body-thetans" over to our minds.

It's basically telepathic "case" leakage which the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Scientology supposedly addresses, but there is just no way in heck that ALL of the "case" leaking is handled, and it's just a huge stretch that ANY of the "case" leakage is even occuring at all, that's the worst bottom flaw of this Hubbard soul "case" leakage problem which supposedly our body-thetans are even causing.

It just isn't true.

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I was a pretty expertly trained, mentored by Al Baker, LInda McCarthey/Martiniano, Greg Wilhere, Flag Admin Courses Supervisor.

Al Baker was really the all time 'expert' that mentored me in the fine points of the "Course Supervisor's Code", and also some help from Linda McCarthy/Martiniano's stern style of running things, and from Greg Wilhere's highly focused bit of guidance.

The "expert" level of being a Course Supervisor, for any set of Hubbard training courses, is knowing all of the fine point LRH references and tidbits, to clear up all the difficult Hubbard writings' omissions. Hubbard just breezes by things, fails to in depth explain himself, Hubbard throws out famous humans' names and history tidbits, which all show Hubbard's prejudices and he just doesn't get into enough info thus leaving trainees stymied if they get stuck on these "hard to find" tidbits mentionings Hubbard does in his writings. "Lost in translation" basically, non stop, when you read the original Hubbard writings and listen to his lectures, Hubbard brings up so many context specific details, thus, my "expertise" I learned from to find all the "Hard to Find" which help the student get the context, and understand Hubbard's already obtuse points which are counter intuitive, Hubbard's nutty ideas are just counter intuitive.

In the Study Tapes, of which the points for helping students are found the "How Could It Be This Way" procedure, which a Course Supervisor (and in some cases a really well trained Word Clearer) has to use this "How Could It Be This Way" Hubbard allowed study procedure from either Study Tape number 2 or 4. Top Course Supervisors use this procedure, and it divides the "best" Hubbard indoctrinators from the mere "Find your Misunderstood Word, or you are going to Ethics for passing Misunderstood Words."

What I just wrote in the paragraph above, is high high weeds, but the "best" Sups had their own personal experience (and Word Clearers who were on the job for years and years also developed this "bullpen" knowledge of the LRH refs to show the trainee the other additional LRH references, or show then the outside allowed references, the dictionaries which Hubbard allows, and the Encyclopedias and reference books which are allowed, by Hubbard.)

"How Could Scientology "Case" Body-thetans Addressing Even Be This Way" is how I look at the subject of Scientology.

HOW could even the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism/soul freeing be beneficial, and "make sense."

The only way to to presume we are each a soul, and our human bodies are infested with other amnesia status souls called body-thetans, and even when we the soul that we are, are "Clear" of our past lives trauma memories, we still will have the "case" leaking into our minds from our hitchhiking body-thetans.

The Hubbard exorcism/soul-freeing steps, are in general how to free the souls infesting us, and thus we lose any case leakage from them.

That's how I'd put it all together. That's the only way "it could be this way."

A person has to believe we each are a soul, and we each have "our mind" and "our case" and that additionally near and inside our human body we have hitchhiking souls who each have "their own case" and that our hitchhiking souls' "case" leak additional into our mind.

And the Scientology exorcism rids us of the hitchhiking souls, and thus rids us of any of the "case leakage" from those souls which we can't see. (Of course, we can't see them because they are not there.)

Scientology Hubbard has it that all humans are blanketed by invisible souls, and those souls leak their past lives trauma into our minds, even if we are "Clear" by doing the lower/mid level of the Hubbard pseudo-therapy stepladder of quackery,

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"Earlier this year when I bumped into Sandrine outside London Org on LRH’s birthday, I took the opportunity to congratulate her on passing through the ‘Wall of Fire’ — OT 3. I pointed out she now knows about Xenu, to which she whooped and hollared, only adding to the hilarity of the encounter."

WAIT! Unless I missed something I didn't think Alex had attained OT 3. So, shouldn't Sandrine have tried to tell Alex she had no idea what he was talking about instead of appearing to confirm it?

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