Re the culinary delights of a 'flag world tour', with a spread like that, the regging is going to be out of this world. A world like Marcab or one of those non-Farsec places. When I think of fine dining, the Church of $cientology never comes up. The regging will be legendary.

The Orlando staff video has all of the elan of an Amway sales convention. At least with Amway, you could get useful cleaning products. In $cientology, all you get is brain washing. And they always add too much starch to that wash. Tony caused a giggle with that find.

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My sentiments exactly. The video is a complete embarrassment. I’d expect nothing less from empty headed sciebots.

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!! 100% hilarious delirious embarrassing, Scientology is horribly lost in translation in its own nutty world.

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So it gets down to FREE GORMET FOOD to get people in LA to come to a Flag Land Base event where attendees will be mercilessly pounded to pay for services AT Clearwater, Florida. BASE. My experiences at Flag were some of the most traumatic of my life. Horrible. It takes a high level of brainwashing to get people to pay that kind of money to be gaslit even further.

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Flag: The Anti Friendliest Place In the Universe

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Ok, full disclosure. I’m going to game night tonight with my game group. We are doing a murder mystery set in 1985. We will be dressing the part, hair, makeup, clothes, etc. it is so over the top that I will be going to get my entire makeup makeover in a few hours by my grandson’s wife to be sure I have it right.

HOWever I will come home laughing afterwards as I always do with that group. We will have good food, great drinks, lots of conversation and laughter and an overall fun time. My wallet will not be lighter at the end of the night, and all of us will have silly photos to remember. It’s ok to dress up and have fun together with good friends. To pretend you’re having fun for the sake of squeezing a few more dollars out of an increasingly fatigued group of people who long ago learned how not to let go of their feelings is just sad.

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OMG, the video. That is truly embarrassing for them.

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I feel so badly for those people, they do not look well, and the one with glasses looks pale, almost gray.

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The sad thing about that gourmet spread is that none of the SO can eat any of it. They are malnourished, under fed, hungry, and are expected to trot out these amazing dishes for the public and they don't get to eat even a bite of it. My heart aches for those SO slaves.

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Hilarious delirious.

The article sounded like the video would be somehow a tinier degree sensible, but no.

100% delirious.

Scientology staff are permanently lost in translation.

The whole Scientology movement is deliriously lost in translation.

L. Ron Hubbard style role playing, join staff, free the universe!

That's what you get when you follow a megalomaniac ex science fiction writer "religion" founder.

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Aug 16
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& nothing healthy or vegan! True Scamatology lifestyle. That video seems to have people who do not have English as their first language or living as their first choice

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