The idea that Scientology is afraid to promote one of its biggest most lucrative events of the year shows just how far down the scale of expansion they are. They are now the “fastest growing religion” in what universe? Kudos to Alex, Tony, Mike, Marc and all the other podcasters and writers who keep exposing the frauds and crimes of Scientology and Scientologists.

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I believe it was around the mid 1980s when Scientology's membership numbers worldwide peaked at around 100 thousand. Even that was quite low with a world population of over 6 billion. According to Aaron Smith Levin, the global membership number is now around 30 thousand or quite likely less. When I was involved in Scientology in Toronto, I would estimate the number of active members was at most about 200. That's very few in a city of over 2 million and I'm sure it's considerably less than 200 now.

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You can bet that the Whales were clued in long ago and that Tom Cruise may fly his helicopter in to the adulation of the adoring crowds. Or maybe he'll just drive in if the weather is bad. DM can't have his most visible minion not in the audience. I wonder where John Travolta is? And the other so called $cino Clebs?

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Oh boy, the original Saint Hill doesn't offer the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course! The one that Hubbard actually delivered there in the Chapel! No mention of the Clearing Course either. Hubbard would be spinning in his grave if it wasn't the entire Pacific Ocean. Or maybe that is the one they're calling Kristy.

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My husband’s family has a family reunion around the 4th of July every year. In 2025, it will be the 70th year it has been held. We have a modest fundraiser there - a raffle to which we all donate items which raises a few thousand dollars each year. This money is for upkeep of the central buildings which the entire Family owns on the sprawling acreage owned by various family members.

This is a big deal because there are 9 brothers and sisters and their families who own property there. My husband and I have our own little piece of heaven in this place.

This property has now been winterized and is going to soon be inaccessible except by snow machines until spring. In March, people start venturing up to see if it is accessible. By April at the latest, the entire family is aware when the reunion will be that year. Whichever brother or sister’s family which is sponsoring it has given us the schedule both for the May cleanup and the date in July when the reunion will be. We do this out of consideration for the ones who are overseas and who have high level government positions.

It is not hard to plan an annual event. Miscavige is the one who is the loose cannon here. Change your plans. Nope. Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

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Ha ha ha! That's exactly what I commented in a previous article about bad event planning if the goal is to get as many people as possible to come on to get donationd. Serves them right!


From October 12:

"I have planned a LOT of events in my day. If they honestly hadn't finalized a date for an October event of that magnitude by September - versus just lying to the government officials - that is beyond baffling.

You would think for an annual event designed to get as many people as possible from all around the world to come so they can make them give more money you would want to give them as much notice as possible."

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And last minute airfare is near double!

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It's so amazing to see how Alex's tremendous work last year has gotten to little Davey. I am looking forward to the protest this year. Well done, Alex. Well done!

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Sandrine Mootoo is a very beautiful woman even if she and her fellow staff members are out of touch with reality. Anyone who still believes L. Ron Hubbard's con job that Scientology will save the world from crime and war etc, is living in their own fantasy dream world.

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Alex, may the Force be with you!!!!

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