So, is Austin one of those places where law enforcement officers can serve legal papers? I'd love to see defendant David "he is NOT insane!" Miscavige's private security detail try to stop LEO from serving papers...

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Oh, and do we get a rope trick?


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Get your process servers ready !

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Texas during chicken fried clam season?? Yum yum. I wonder how many $cieno clebs will publicly attend? Travolta, could be. Krustie Ally, being dead is a detriment to any attendance outside of a grave. Tom Cruise? Never in a hundred years would he show his public face at any $cieno event. I wonder who will be the 'big being' at Austin? Ok, we all know that the biggest being is always Davy Miscavige. Everyone else, look out.

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Tom Cummins always shows up! I saw him a few years ago in Mountain View (the Silicon Valley Ideal org I think they call it) and see him in lots of the photos. I drive by the Mtn View location every few months and there are always about 4-5 cars in the lot, doesn't seem very active.

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Only one hour? Is it even possible that one of his speeches could be written with a (less than) one-hour time limit? It boggles the mind.

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Maybe since his speech writer recently have up his body the new one is less wordy.

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Ah, the Silver Mullet, the Lord of Logorrhea, dropped the meat sack a while back...

Forsooth, who shall ghost write the lordly logorrhea of Teegeeack's foremost pontificating pimp?

Who has the theta cojones to craft his powerfully prolix soliloquies?

Who truly COMPREHENDS the theta grandeur of this garrulous Big Bean, much less the unfathomable

density of responsibility he carries as he commands his army of thugs, greasy lawyers, pederasts, con men, private investigators, saboteurs, corrupt officials, deluded arse lickers(Ars ly kus), rapists, predators,

Yakub rejects, and moneyed enablers in the battle against The Forces of Entheta?

It truly sucks to be Davy McSavage; as time goes on, he has to do it ALL himself...And so, he'll probably show up, from a remote location, on a big flat screen in Austin...

Finally, here's a peek at a small portion of his legacy of Total Fuckery:


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Hubbardites: don't waste this brief breath in eternity; witness the bouffanted, lift-wearing, intrepid

ideolog of Hubbardian idiocy inaugurate the insertion of MASSIVE theta into Austin, Texas with the opening of a new anchor point of scientology pimping!

Buns up, kneeling; asset-hoovering, free-wheeling!

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