Not funny? It’s really funny that THIS is a testimonial on how Scientology TV gets new members. In other words, it takes a freak accident or A MIRACLE to get anyone to come in or even to watch its dreck.

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Exactly. It took 2 or more miracles to get this woman viewing the Scn channel. First the dog steps on the remote, then the battery did something so she could not change the channel. And did you get that she was supposedly a nurse who was seeing that the patients on psych drugs at the hospital weren't doing well? Have to get a dig in about the psychs. If you believe that story then I have some swampland to sell you.

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A health care professional who can’t figure out where the off button is on her TV set when her remote goes dead, a Scientologist willingly talking to a non Scientologist on a plane, and those QR codes, those magical QR codes which are as ubiquitous as grains of sand to those of us out here. These sound like something that might have been a big deal in the early 2000s. Dave, come into present time.

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I’m sure all the entrance stories into Scientology from the TV channel happened. And those are all that’s happened in the last 6 month to a year.

So you spend, close to ten to twenty million dollars a year trying to get new people into the cult and that’s the return. Not surprising. People are interested in the truth about Scientology. That does not come from the organization. It’s insanity. Money not well spent.

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$cientology loves testimonials. They are usually so fluffy that no advertising guild or government organization can call them deceptive. But like the OT success stories, they have no grounding in reality. $cieno PR seems to be aimed at their minions and not at any general public. I file these stories under the same 'religious miracle' folder and ignore them. Advance and other $cieno ads seem to feature different parts of the 'social betterment' programs on a rotating basis. Maybe it was just $cieno TV's turn? Besides, who doesn't like a shaggy dog story?

If Tom Cruise is called out for his $cieno stuff every time he does some self aggrandizing stunt, maybe Miscavige will ask TC to stop doing such things? The Clampire doesn't like bad press and every TC stunt could and should bring out the news hounds. Would that not open Cruise's eyes?

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Always I react to the big question: Why is today's leader of Scientology doing what he's doing with this Scientology Media Productions TV stuff?

Answer is in several places in Hubbard's writings and final orders.

a) the thrust of the final traffic to Gold (Cine, Audio) is in this direction of broad public films dissemination, Mitch Brisker's book and his speaking publicly has touched on Hubbard's big impetus to even do this all. It inevitably is the biggest factor why even do this TV station stuff.

b) Hubbard said several other places, like in the Intel traffic (to Guardian's Office, now OSA, and basic PR writings), get the Scientology "news" out on a seperate channel, meaning any media means possible, and if TV channel is the best way, then that's right.

Those two are the big reasons, WHY, this Miscavige era TV station is even such a priority as it is.

Both are Hubbard reasons.

Now, the lack of quality problem.

That is answered by the adage "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

No one can really long range sell this Hubbard quackery (past lives pseudo-therapy and the Hubbard exorcism quackery).

Once the public knows that Scientology is going into a person's past lives, and going to get into exorcising the invisible souls that Xenu dumped onto earth, there's going to be some backlash.

The style of selling by not actually upfront saying what Scientology is (that it's quack past lives pseudo-therapy, and that it's quack exorcism of Xenu's body-thetans dumped onto earth by Xenu), can only have limited success.

Hubbard's quackery will aways come around to knock any legitimacy to any level of spiffy brilliant hype marketing/filmwork "silk purse" false equivalence communication.

Scientology's core, the quackery, is just never going to be silk purse material. It's quackery.

I wish the final years of Author Services Inc orders from Hubbard were public to show Hubbard's even more ridiculously impossible orders he issued to turn his pulp writings into movies.

Just NOT going to work.

Hubbard's output is just not good enough, that's the biggest problem ANYONE has trying to propagandize and market the Hubbard quackery and lower grade fiction stuff.

Just can't sell it.

Shelly Corias, said it brilliantly, years ago. "You just can't sell this stuff." (Shelly needs to be asked this question, she told me this personally way back in 2006, it was a stunning statement, just hits the whole Hubbard crappy empire in a short accurate dismissal.).

It's the Hubbard "stuff" that will defeat even more beneficent "leaders" than Miscavige who use even more brilliant TV and marketing to try get this Hubbard cornucopia of "LRH products" to the public.

Losing proposition, that's Scientology.

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The truly awful quality of the TV channel stems from the same syndrome as the horrific quality of Scientology music, Dave's speeches, Scientology book binding, the overblown bowling trophies, on and on.

It is not just that Dave has no taste and couldn't create his way out of a paper bag. He is also surrounded by a sycophantic bubble that dares not correct him. In his world, all his creative endeavors are the best ever. Like Hubbard, he has the best ear and eye in history, creator of everything from rock-and-roll to the cinema. None dare call him amateur.

Same mistake some parents make with their children's efforts. You don't want to crush their young dreams by nit-picking but the endless fawning praise ends up with hopeless kids that don't think anything is really good. If everybody gets a trophy nobody knows if they really won. The goal is to enhance self-esteem, a good improvement for those who lack it, but those who enthusiastically embrace it make the worst bullies in the schoolyard and criminals as adults.

You have to be able to fail to really succeed.

At the Int Base we used to say "If some is good and more is better, too much ought to be just right". Probably not original with us but I don't know who said it first.

If you do something creative for Dave, he will almost always say something like "punch it up" or "that sucks". No specifics, so you are forced to make some random change and try again. This may go on for years. If you happen on a successful formula and try it again, you may get "too much like the last one". Eventually he will give up on that and whatever hackneyed overblown esthetic that was last approved becomes the norm forever.

Being a creative professional for Dave is probably one of the circles of Hell in Dante's "Inferno". Just ask Peter Schless. No wonder it is all sophomoric dreck. Dave never even made it to sophomore in high school, let alone college.

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My Chihuahua hates Scientology

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