Radar on Line blew it. I smell a plant similar to the those stories about Tom Cruise leaving the Clampire. The ROL also has a story about Tom Cruise buying an expensive house in the UK to be near his latest 'love interest'. And then there is a story about the late Prince Consort, Philip, being involved in 'dating' the girls from the Profumo Affair. Where are the Big foot alien space babies when you need them?

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

OSA disinformation "handling" target for spurring possibly maybe lazy John to come to attention for the next LRH event like a good Scientologist.

I wonder if Miscavige has a direct line to Linda Hamel who then relays some of these nutty tabloid rumors, to jar any fence sitting celebrities of Scientology for real, to raise their budding "SP" celebrity heads?

I wonder how compartmented some of the OSA run (if Linda Hamel is briefed by Miscavige to get something done on the side) ops to stir up the Scientology celebrities allegiance which gets lazy from time to time normally.

If life were longer, I sure would try to set up a Xenu store on Hollywood Blvd with all sorts of Xenu stuff and related nuttiness to sell to the informed tourists.

Xenu photo cutout stands, etc, to take photos of oneself and Xenu standing next to one, etc.

Xenu is such an undermarketed product line.

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When Spanky Taylor lets you know he’s contacted her and apologized to her for how he treated her last time they talked, I’ll start believing stories about him being on his way out.

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🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 100% agree

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Val, exactly correct. If the Travolta the cowardly airhead ever comes to his senses, the first thing he would do is apologize and make amends for turning himself into a heartless, brainwashed asshole. I’m not holding my breath.

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If a well known celebrity like Travolta was to leave Scientology, he would likely be facing blackmail from the church. This is why he will likely never leave. Miscavige may have controversial information about Travolta from his auditing files that he could make public and ruin Travolta's career. These files are supposedly confidential as it is in other churches between a pastor and person making a confession. However, it should be obvious to any thinking and rational person that the so called 'Church' of Scientology is really a despicable money making and mind controlling cult. With the wealth of information that the internet has provided over the past 30 years, it's pathetic that there are still people involved in it. Scientology should have ceased to exist long ago.

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@Tony - the headline is magic… ‘only by ignoring evidence’ lol ✌🏼💜⚖️

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