All Committees of Evidence proceedings are recorded. In mine they had a little cassette recorder. After each meeting the Secretary would type up a transcript. The Interested Party (defendant) would not get a copy, but one would be made.
They are proving the point of the lawsuit by continuing to harass her. How do they think this will look when it goes back to the judge?
In a real arbitration the idea is to come to some agreement about a grievance or complaint and adjudicate for or against the complainant. Whatever this is, it cannot result in anything resembling justice. I can't even see the point of it, other than completely cowing Valerie into submission.
Maybe that's what they are hoping for, but it isn't likely. Stand strong Valerie! Illegitimatum non carborundum est! (As we used to say in the 60s, "Don't let the bastards grind you down" in faked-up Latin).
Well, if so I hope it comes with a S***-ton of cash! If you think about it, Valerie spent almost all of her "accumulation phase" of saving for retirement as an unpaid servant, so they owe her a retirement package. A few million would be about right, since she could have been a Hollywood producer by now if she had done the same work on a real job.
I doubt it, and would like to point to Bonnie Woods in England getting a payoff (if not in the millions) and signing nothing more than a receipt - the Co$ had to sign a very serious legal document to not slander her in the future.
This sounds like a determined attempt to grind the ex-victim into the dust mentally.
Stay strong Valerie. It sucks that the courts in the US are so hoodwinked as to allow the criminal organisation known a the "church" of $cientology to perform this act of attempted domination.
Sounds like a Chinese Communist Party 'criticism session'. Just beat down the victim until they cave in. Why does the word 'unconscionable' keep coming to mind? One judge got it, now, will another judge see $cieno 'arbitration' for what it is? Anyone who can stand up to such debasement is a hero in my book.
Perfect analogy, Ze Mooo! Valerie, take heart that at least one judge saw through the facade of fake “arbitration” and called it what it is: “unconscionable.” I hope the idea catches on.
This is historic stuff Valery is being put through by Scientology and even this "Committee of Evidence" has a Scientology lawyer on it, Sarah Heller, this is utterly insane stuff that has to someday be in a book, this is so important to highlight.
Amazing courage of Vallery to go through this, just for posterity, to suffer through this joke of L. Ron Hubbard's "justice" being relabelled by Scientology lawyers as "arbitration."
It is completely insane. I ask myself, would L. Ron Hubbard suffer through this procedure being implemented on himself?
Would the Hubbard offspring suffer through this?
And Hubbard's policies say that this is how Scientology ought to operate in the "real world" to implement this Hubbard "Committee of Evidence" procedures, and this one being one on Valery is somehow a model for how to implement the Scienotlogy "justice" procedure, which Scientology is calling their "arbitration" procedure.
This is truly historic and needs be in a book, in detail, for posterity.
This blog is priceless recording of history.
Thankyou so much Valery for suffering through this and telling the details, the world needs to hear what Scientology does and what Scientologists, including their lawyers, are self brainwashing themselves into this alternative "justice" system, which dead L. Ron Hubbard would wish to implement on the world.
Does the world really think this is valid "justice" which the world will someday adopt?
Truly historic important reporting here, thankyou so much.
Maybe it’s because I’m in the middle of writing up my own story, but to see Scientology be able to still be able to frighten an ex Scientologist just pisses me the f$)k off. When I get to the part where they try to “recover” me, my first response at hearing from Scientology was abject terror. I’m glad Valerie called you. Scientology Kangaroo Court needs to be exposed.
It feels like they are doing more to Valerie because of the nature of the case, who the Defendants are, and the ability for this to gain more mainstream attention. I am not sure how they think everything they are doing will convince the judge it was enough to prevent the lawsuit from going forward.
a) Not being able to call 911, without great hoops to do so!
b) Not being able to walk away, at any moment, and not be restrained verbally, shamed and commanded NOT to walk away when one simply wishes to go. (This ultimately is the crux of why Valery chose to escape hidden in the trunk of a car, because the total control and regulations and procedures disallowed her just walking out on her own without massive repercussions---all the repercussions and regulations and actual physical "stops" to just walking out, need laying out, the Int Base is a total prison, on top of being the ultimate "prison of belief.")
I wonder, side question, out of the blue, where do the Scientology Media Productions staff, who are ultra controlled today, WHERE is there berthing in LA, and how are they confined and pressued not to escape or leave when they choose! Has Scientology Media Productions "Int Cleared" staff been put under draconian staff maintenance control in ways, so they can't just slip away if they wish?
This maintenance of staff so staff don't escape suddenly, is truly abominable, and NO lawyers for Scientology would truly themselves ever suffer that humiliating control and regulations that the Sea Org elite top members are made to suffer!
Scientology and their lawyers MUST know the history of "blowing" staff, who just have reached their limit, and they escape because of the accumulated massive control regulations for staff!
What average US citizens would EVER suffer this amount of control and regulations, which Valery chose to hide in the trunk of a car to escape the Int Base life!
A Scientology "justice" (Committee of Evidence, relabelled as "arbitration" ) is no procedure any real world lawyer or judge would EVER suffer that procedure implemented on themselves. (In fact, for comparison, ALL future Scientology "arbitrations" when selecting members to sit on the arbitration, I highly recommend that a lawyer for the Valery side be on the arbitration panel, for fairness.)
I hope a book is written so that lawyers and judges understand the Hubbard "Committee of Evidence" aka "arbitration" can deeply understand and compare how that matches real world US justice procedures.
Outrageously abusive and manipulative. Just walk away from this kangaroo court. Living well is the ultimate revenge. The fact that she's not allowed to have representation of any kind is so fucked up. Scientology: Always worse than you think.
Several points that are very bizarre:
All Committees of Evidence proceedings are recorded. In mine they had a little cassette recorder. After each meeting the Secretary would type up a transcript. The Interested Party (defendant) would not get a copy, but one would be made.
They are proving the point of the lawsuit by continuing to harass her. How do they think this will look when it goes back to the judge?
In a real arbitration the idea is to come to some agreement about a grievance or complaint and adjudicate for or against the complainant. Whatever this is, it cannot result in anything resembling justice. I can't even see the point of it, other than completely cowing Valerie into submission.
Maybe that's what they are hoping for, but it isn't likely. Stand strong Valerie! Illegitimatum non carborundum est! (As we used to say in the 60s, "Don't let the bastards grind you down" in faked-up Latin).
My guess: At the end the Co$ will suggest a new document to sign. Which will be basically one long NDA. That will be what the Co$ is after.
Well, if so I hope it comes with a S***-ton of cash! If you think about it, Valerie spent almost all of her "accumulation phase" of saving for retirement as an unpaid servant, so they owe her a retirement package. A few million would be about right, since she could have been a Hollywood producer by now if she had done the same work on a real job.
I doubt it, and would like to point to Bonnie Woods in England getting a payoff (if not in the millions) and signing nothing more than a receipt - the Co$ had to sign a very serious legal document to not slander her in the future.
But, Valerie should do what works for Valerie.
This sounds like a determined attempt to grind the ex-victim into the dust mentally.
Stay strong Valerie. It sucks that the courts in the US are so hoodwinked as to allow the criminal organisation known a the "church" of $cientology to perform this act of attempted domination.
The CoS isn’t out for justice, but to destroy its enemies. This “arbitration” farce is calculated to do just that. Stay strong, Valerie!
Sounds like a Chinese Communist Party 'criticism session'. Just beat down the victim until they cave in. Why does the word 'unconscionable' keep coming to mind? One judge got it, now, will another judge see $cieno 'arbitration' for what it is? Anyone who can stand up to such debasement is a hero in my book.
Perfect analogy, Ze Mooo! Valerie, take heart that at least one judge saw through the facade of fake “arbitration” and called it what it is: “unconscionable.” I hope the idea catches on.
This is historic stuff Valery is being put through by Scientology and even this "Committee of Evidence" has a Scientology lawyer on it, Sarah Heller, this is utterly insane stuff that has to someday be in a book, this is so important to highlight.
Amazing courage of Vallery to go through this, just for posterity, to suffer through this joke of L. Ron Hubbard's "justice" being relabelled by Scientology lawyers as "arbitration."
It is completely insane. I ask myself, would L. Ron Hubbard suffer through this procedure being implemented on himself?
Would the Hubbard offspring suffer through this?
And Hubbard's policies say that this is how Scientology ought to operate in the "real world" to implement this Hubbard "Committee of Evidence" procedures, and this one being one on Valery is somehow a model for how to implement the Scienotlogy "justice" procedure, which Scientology is calling their "arbitration" procedure.
This is truly historic and needs be in a book, in detail, for posterity.
This blog is priceless recording of history.
Thankyou so much Valery for suffering through this and telling the details, the world needs to hear what Scientology does and what Scientologists, including their lawyers, are self brainwashing themselves into this alternative "justice" system, which dead L. Ron Hubbard would wish to implement on the world.
Does the world really think this is valid "justice" which the world will someday adopt?
Truly historic important reporting here, thankyou so much.
Maybe it’s because I’m in the middle of writing up my own story, but to see Scientology be able to still be able to frighten an ex Scientologist just pisses me the f$)k off. When I get to the part where they try to “recover” me, my first response at hearing from Scientology was abject terror. I’m glad Valerie called you. Scientology Kangaroo Court needs to be exposed.
It feels like they are doing more to Valerie because of the nature of the case, who the Defendants are, and the ability for this to gain more mainstream attention. I am not sure how they think everything they are doing will convince the judge it was enough to prevent the lawsuit from going forward.
Major major:
a) Not being able to call 911, without great hoops to do so!
b) Not being able to walk away, at any moment, and not be restrained verbally, shamed and commanded NOT to walk away when one simply wishes to go. (This ultimately is the crux of why Valery chose to escape hidden in the trunk of a car, because the total control and regulations and procedures disallowed her just walking out on her own without massive repercussions---all the repercussions and regulations and actual physical "stops" to just walking out, need laying out, the Int Base is a total prison, on top of being the ultimate "prison of belief.")
I wonder, side question, out of the blue, where do the Scientology Media Productions staff, who are ultra controlled today, WHERE is there berthing in LA, and how are they confined and pressued not to escape or leave when they choose! Has Scientology Media Productions "Int Cleared" staff been put under draconian staff maintenance control in ways, so they can't just slip away if they wish?
This maintenance of staff so staff don't escape suddenly, is truly abominable, and NO lawyers for Scientology would truly themselves ever suffer that humiliating control and regulations that the Sea Org elite top members are made to suffer!
Scientology and their lawyers MUST know the history of "blowing" staff, who just have reached their limit, and they escape because of the accumulated massive control regulations for staff!
What average US citizens would EVER suffer this amount of control and regulations, which Valery chose to hide in the trunk of a car to escape the Int Base life!
A Scientology "justice" (Committee of Evidence, relabelled as "arbitration" ) is no procedure any real world lawyer or judge would EVER suffer that procedure implemented on themselves. (In fact, for comparison, ALL future Scientology "arbitrations" when selecting members to sit on the arbitration, I highly recommend that a lawyer for the Valery side be on the arbitration panel, for fairness.)
I hope a book is written so that lawyers and judges understand the Hubbard "Committee of Evidence" aka "arbitration" can deeply understand and compare how that matches real world US justice procedures.
Valerie, my heart is with you. You are so brave to withstand this abuse. Sending you love and hugs.
Go Valery! You are heroic. Cheering from Sweden.
Hang in there Valerie. You have a lot of people cheering & praying for you.
Outrageously abusive and manipulative. Just walk away from this kangaroo court. Living well is the ultimate revenge. The fact that she's not allowed to have representation of any kind is so fucked up. Scientology: Always worse than you think.