Once again Danny Masterson proves how classy he is. Come on Mueller, retry the case.

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Blergh! Now I can not just picture that shithead dragging women into his shower to violate them, I can also imagine his voice when he was doing it. What a charmer!

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As far back as the inception of scientology or even dianetics, the code has been “greatest good for the greatest number.” This high sounding code has been used to justify all manner of bad deeds in the name of good.

The thing about the twisted moral code of scientology is that the adherents are groomed to believe that they can do all matter of bad if it gets them what they want. High profile celebrities like Masterson are given a pass on things and allowed to act out when they should be stopped.

I am in no way condoning Danny’s behavior. He, however, has the perfect shield to protect him from consequences. I hope Mueller can find a way to pierce that shield.

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Weird that "Danny Masterson Talking About Sex" is its own umbrella of trauma now. So gross.

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Has Mueller been presented with a summary of evidence bought to the forefront by subscribers? Tony, are you able to write up some of the highlighted subscriber comments comments for the Jane Does that they can present to Mueller?

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Seriously. That poor script supervisor is cringing into another dimension at this grossly inaccurate appropriate conversation.

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Ugh.... He is disgusting, the interviewer even going there is disgusting... The misogyny makes me sick.

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