It never works not to just be open about Xenu's body-thetans exorcism on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
They should just say:
"Find out the truth about Xenu and body-thetans, and how exorcising your body-thetans will help you be a single and better you."
They are afraid to overturn the arbitraries Hubbard left them about never being upfront about the two phase quackery of Scientology.
a) First phase is a person's "own" "case" soul debilitating memories alleviation.
b) Second phase is the exorcism phase of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 alleviating their hitchhiking "OT case" which is leaking into their minds from the body-thetans whom Xenu mass murdered/implanted/dumped onto earth which infest all humans.
Scientology's a two phase quackery soul memories alleviation practice. First you get up to the level of dealing with past lives debilitating soul memories. Second you peel off the body-thetans whom Xenu mass implanted with the R6 implants which still leak into your mind until you do the full lineup of the 5 exorcism levels of Scientology which are OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Scientology's a whole lotta past lives soul memories alleviating on phase 1. Then on phase 2 it's an even longer haul alleviating/freeing the R6 implanted body-thetans/invisible-souls infesting your human body.
It's a whole long runway of quackery.
That's what they should just tell the public, and see if some people are game for that, and at the fixed donation prices they are selling this quackery at.
The Clampire loves the shell game. Just hide the peanut of truth under a walnut shell and move it around on the table. It is easy to fool enough of the marks to make a nice living.
Now comes Mr. Spock to take your emotions away and replace them with what? Love of Big Brother? Love of Dave Miscavige? Surely love of Lron will result. You can rebrand excrement all you want, but the smell eventually permeates the room.
Inside Out 2 became the first movie this year to gross more than $1B. One of the things people do before watching this movie is create emotion bracelets with their friends. I know this because I had to cut a FaceTime with my seven year old granddaughter in North Carolina short on her 7th birthday after she showed me the bracelets she and her friends had made because they were going to see Inside Out 2 — again.
The people at this conference are coattailing on the success of that wildly popular movie, which is so ironic since people in Scientology are taught that emotions are bad. My question is, did Davey boy approve this deviation or did some brave soul believe they had the right to think outside the box? I honestly don’t see Davey Boy’s fingerprints on this one. It’s too relevant for the times. Whoever came up with this idea may be in for severe ethics trouble.
I suspect that someone in the Scientology public department had the bright idea to use one of Hubbard’s most fascinating pieces of bogus technology front and center. Show raw meat the EMOTIONAL TONE SCALE as a very first come on. that certainly hooked me. On the surface it looks really amazing. In fact it’s BS. Numbering the emotions “some good som bad”. It will get immediate response from people.
That’s my speculation regarding the photo and what Scientology is doing to lure in new public.
An emotion test in addition to the infamous personality test? I trust people will know that with scientology nothing is ever truly free and the costs quickly add up. But I wonder how well Shelly would score on the emotional level after years of isolation
"Free Emotion Check" at a Woman's Expo???!?!? So offensive and pandering. I could see the Mayor of the Lollipop Guild buying into that PR campaign because, you know, women have out of control emotions, right?
Oh when will the federal government and court system stop promoting for dictators to exist and actually do their jobs?
After today, I'm glad that I'm already making plans to GTFO of the US.
There is no Federal Government, it is a For Profit corporation, incorporated on England in 1871. It is as corrupt as many other corporate governments, along with the courts, military, banking, bar association, education and deathcare.
"The word is out like never before what a toxic organization Scientology..." I would think may people before joining anything these days, is researching reviews, etc. With the Underground Bunker and all the whistleblowers all over the internet, only the extreme gullible would join, at this stage.
I was taught not to "feel" when I was growing up, only to learn years later, I'm empathic. It explained why I "feel" so sensative, especially to others emotions.
"It's a dead clam party
Who could ask for more?
Come on in and leave
Your emotions at the door
Your emotions at the door. "
(Sincere apologies to Oingo Boingo)
Believe in yourself.
It never works not to just be open about Xenu's body-thetans exorcism on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
They should just say:
"Find out the truth about Xenu and body-thetans, and how exorcising your body-thetans will help you be a single and better you."
They are afraid to overturn the arbitraries Hubbard left them about never being upfront about the two phase quackery of Scientology.
a) First phase is a person's "own" "case" soul debilitating memories alleviation.
b) Second phase is the exorcism phase of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 alleviating their hitchhiking "OT case" which is leaking into their minds from the body-thetans whom Xenu mass murdered/implanted/dumped onto earth which infest all humans.
Scientology's a two phase quackery soul memories alleviation practice. First you get up to the level of dealing with past lives debilitating soul memories. Second you peel off the body-thetans whom Xenu mass implanted with the R6 implants which still leak into your mind until you do the full lineup of the 5 exorcism levels of Scientology which are OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Scientology's a whole lotta past lives soul memories alleviating on phase 1. Then on phase 2 it's an even longer haul alleviating/freeing the R6 implanted body-thetans/invisible-souls infesting your human body.
It's a whole long runway of quackery.
That's what they should just tell the public, and see if some people are game for that, and at the fixed donation prices they are selling this quackery at.
Chuck Beatty
ex 75 to 03
A free "emotion" check? At a Women's Expo? As if women aren't already labeled as too emotional when people (mostly men) get uncomfortable.
"Your emotion is wrong. Have you tried changing it?"
The Clampire loves the shell game. Just hide the peanut of truth under a walnut shell and move it around on the table. It is easy to fool enough of the marks to make a nice living.
Now comes Mr. Spock to take your emotions away and replace them with what? Love of Big Brother? Love of Dave Miscavige? Surely love of Lron will result. You can rebrand excrement all you want, but the smell eventually permeates the room.
Inside Out 2 became the first movie this year to gross more than $1B. One of the things people do before watching this movie is create emotion bracelets with their friends. I know this because I had to cut a FaceTime with my seven year old granddaughter in North Carolina short on her 7th birthday after she showed me the bracelets she and her friends had made because they were going to see Inside Out 2 — again.
The people at this conference are coattailing on the success of that wildly popular movie, which is so ironic since people in Scientology are taught that emotions are bad. My question is, did Davey boy approve this deviation or did some brave soul believe they had the right to think outside the box? I honestly don’t see Davey Boy’s fingerprints on this one. It’s too relevant for the times. Whoever came up with this idea may be in for severe ethics trouble.
I suspect that someone in the Scientology public department had the bright idea to use one of Hubbard’s most fascinating pieces of bogus technology front and center. Show raw meat the EMOTIONAL TONE SCALE as a very first come on. that certainly hooked me. On the surface it looks really amazing. In fact it’s BS. Numbering the emotions “some good som bad”. It will get immediate response from people.
That’s my speculation regarding the photo and what Scientology is doing to lure in new public.
An emotion test in addition to the infamous personality test? I trust people will know that with scientology nothing is ever truly free and the costs quickly add up. But I wonder how well Shelly would score on the emotional level after years of isolation
"Free Emotion Check" at a Woman's Expo???!?!? So offensive and pandering. I could see the Mayor of the Lollipop Guild buying into that PR campaign because, you know, women have out of control emotions, right?
Oh when will the federal government and court system stop promoting for dictators to exist and actually do their jobs?
After today, I'm glad that I'm already making plans to GTFO of the US.
There is no Federal Government, it is a For Profit corporation, incorporated on England in 1871. It is as corrupt as many other corporate governments, along with the courts, military, banking, bar association, education and deathcare.
"The word is out like never before what a toxic organization Scientology..." I would think may people before joining anything these days, is researching reviews, etc. With the Underground Bunker and all the whistleblowers all over the internet, only the extreme gullible would join, at this stage.
I was taught not to "feel" when I was growing up, only to learn years later, I'm empathic. It explained why I "feel" so sensative, especially to others emotions.