Sunny, your story to a greater or lesser degree applies to all Scientology families. I was around when the cadet Org existed and it was truly a mess. I can see how it caused horrible trauma.

Wit my wife we raised our son and daughter with somewhat the same past life dogma. That they are big beings in little bodies. However they had a very secure upbringing and they were indoctrinated from the crib on so it was easy for both of them to disconnect from me. No real understanding of love, which is a dirty word in Scientology. It’s been 6 years now with my son and although he is not active in Scientology he is still very connected to his mother who is a major Sciebot. Sunny your story I feel resonates with parents and children alike who were touched by Hubbards brainwashing. Fortunately we can recover. Takes time and the intention to get it sorted out and we can live happy, productive lives.

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What a powerful, moving statement! Thank you, Sunny.

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Yes, thank you for sharing your very personal, seriously traumatic

Life being raised as a child in this shit show pretending to be a "religion".

Like Geoff, I, too, remember well the cadet org... especially the one here in LA, at the end of LRonHubbard Way, across from Bridge. A tiny parking lot surrounded by green curtains, packed with mostly hungry & upset kids.

My friend & I would try to talk with executives...trying to get them to understand the children's Sea org situation is awful for the children, & not good for the parents, either.

Sadly, as you well know... that went to deaf ears. I am truly sorry for any 2nd gens raised in the Sea org. All I can say is thank God & the Net you are free. 🌹👍💟😎💖

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Sunny, this was so powerful. I can feel the pain of that little girl and it’s heartbreaking. I see you second gen survivors out there speaking out and you all seem like such badass warriors to me. I’m glad this outlet has helped you

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I am a pediatrician and I hadn’t ever thought about attachment disorders but of course that was a consequence . The experience of these children was only slightly better than that of a Romanian orphan. I’ve been thinking of Mike Tinder’s daughter, Taryn. Of course she has turned against him- she must be so so damaged and is getting approval from her mother to do what she is doing which she must be desperate for. When I think of her I will remember she was one of those neglected children in those awful nurseries

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I read Sunny's experience feeling horrified. Through your reports, I realize Sci separates families, but not this bad and certainly I had no idea what day care was like. Awful, just awful. Sci should be SHUT DOWN for this alone!

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My heart hurts to read this. My husband and I have five children and I cannot even fathom any of that distance, figure it out, lack of love and nourishment. 😥

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Sunny, you introspection is powerful and loudly rings the bell of truth. I hope that child welfare officials read this and 'inspect' $cieno child care centers in LA and Clearwater. I would so love to see a psychologist testify about the harm that $cieno 'child care' causes. And then close down those 'lord of the flies' 'child care operations'!

I remember several blind people at my college who were raised in residential schools for the blind. None them were prepared to be in a college dormitory and few could navigate well enough to find their classes. They could not form interpersonal relationships that did not require the non blind person to be their seeing eye dog or do simple chores like making a bed. The 'de institutionalizing' of blind people did help them a great deal in being able to function on their own in society.

How do you fix growing up situations like those that Sunny and every other child of the bOrg faced? I can only see a very long process that should include real psychologists and and a lot of anger and crying in the part of the bOrg children. Do I see a possible class action lawsuit? FU Lron and Miscavige. And the same for every parent that gave their children to the $cieno concentration camp.

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Based on how they manipulate the legal system, is it at all possible that they could claim that law enforcement and the government has no right to regulate their day cares or camps because it is their ecclesiastical rules and processes? Does them being children who haven't signed a contract get them protection even if they cannot punish the staffers or close it down?

Question for the sea org folks: Having children is not something historically desired in the organization. But, if that is how they get more members, let alone more sea org/staff, if the day cares were under scrutiny would they be more likely to a) clamp down on (potential) staff having kids or b) 'fix' the day cares to meet the minimum guidelines?

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Thank you for telling your story, Sunny. For a never-in like me, it is important to hear. It can’t be easy, but you have faced everything with strong grace. Keep telling your story, your words resonate.

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I needed to hear this.

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Dear Sunny, Your life story as a little girl fills me with rage. The parents who abandon their children to this so-called nursery are committing the ultimate betrayal.

" And I wanted my mom to value me. I wanted her to see that she should have loved me. I wanted to have value and matter. I wanted her to reach out to me. So I could shove her away and put her back in her place. She needed a dose of what she dished out."

"Yes, this is and was childish of me."

No. Not childish. Her moral duty to you and your brother. She abandoned you to the unknown and you didn't even know it. It makes me cry.

You are wonderful for raising yourself and you deserve the best of everything.

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