Those are some pretty mundane 'miracles'. A rain storm starts and stops at an opportune time, a Mexican Post Office delivers the goods and someone pulls a Doctor Dolittle on some birds. I call bullshite on everything but the Mexican Post Office. Postal workers the world over like to hand out packages without having to drag them on their routes. Yeah, that could happen.

Who is going to protect us when the next Alien Invasion happens?? Come on mighty mental warriors of the Clampire, you are not doing your job properly!

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Well I’m so glad OT phenomena are in the news again today because I had my own yesterday and was itching to share.

1. All I had to do is decide I needed Tony to post OT phenomena again and boom! He did.

2. Hubby lost the keys to the 4-wheeler over the 4th of July up at our summer place. After searching for 1/2 hour, he was frantic. I got him to share his AirTag with me and started walking around. In less than a minute, I found them on the seat of his truck; which leads us to . . .

3. Once again hubby frantically looking for lost keys, this time for his truck. He shared that AirTag with me. I went straight to his truck. He insisted they wouldn’t be there, he’d already looked. AirTag showed they were there. I played the sound, picked up a pile of hats on his console and they were under them. He said “why didn’t it make the sound for me?” Since I didn’t want him to realize just how superior I was, I pointed out he didn’t have his hearing aids in so he would think either one of us could have found them. </snark>

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Oooh, that's definitely worth untold hundred of thousands of dollars and/or access to your children as the Damnation Navy swallows them up whole


Anyway, rather than feel annoyed that I have to make up excuses for the victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology, I'll just remain quietly delighted that the number of victims is going down and has been for decades. Ever since the paranoia of El Rhum Flubbard shut down the missionary network and the follow-up of using TV screens instead of mere people to communicate to fresh meat (and very grateful we are to defendant David "he is NOT insane!" Miscavige for that), numbers have been visibly declining, hence the trick photography from events.


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Okay, the first and third were better. But the second didn't say they even did anything and it just worked itself out?

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Being just a Scientologist in "good standing" (abiding by Hubbard's draconian regulations Scientologists are hamstrung voluntarily to abide by) is good enough to have miracles happen.

All coincidences that happen to Scientologists are "OT miracles" and anything bad that happens to them is "SP" activity hitting them.

Scientology's/Hubbard's brainwashing "works" if you voluntarily choose to change all your ideas about life to align with the Hubbard nonsense view of the world. (Keeping Scientology Working is keeping up the Hubbard fantasy view of things, and all things are your fault, never Hubbard's.)

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Scientology, as always: for the birds.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Yes. They spruced up their "OT phenomena" testimonials just because you rightly brought up how lackluster they've become!

Normal complaining to Scientology's quackery dullness does work, they then respond with slightly more hype and new more spruced up coincidences their members experience.

Hubbard ordered them per Hubbard policy to keep "flourishing and prospering" while the mad outside world lambastes them. (Plus in KSW Hubbard tells them it's their fault, not the outside world, if the "wins" testimonials are lackluster, it's ALWAYS the followers' and staffs' fault, never Hubbard's, for the quackery not working! Hubbard's prison of belief works, until it doesn't, which is normal, the SPs win in the end, LOL.)

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Wonderful "OT wins" (testimonials re superpower spiritual abilities supposedly achieved).

Well, quackery works, obviously, for some people, for limited amounts of times, coincidences.

One of the delights of coincidences in life, with Scientologists choosing to ascribe them to their quackery achievements doing the Hubbard exorcism steps (OT 3 thru OT 7 are the exorcism steps of Scientology, supposedly using the Hubbard electronics device to locate invisible souls in their human body, and exorcising/freeing those invisible souls off their human body, a whole lotta exorcism Scientology does using their religious artifact "Emeter" to find and supposedly "free" those invisible souls, which are souls Xenu the space leader brought to earth and supposedly messed up with the R6 implants those souls, which supposedly infest everyone thus needing the Hubbard OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps to remove/free those souls, then this unleashes the spiritual powers of the Scientologists who do all this Hubbard quackery exorcism.)

I still like the Pat Broeker "OT policeman" testimonial in one of the old gen "Advance Magazines", and I think it should be noted that "Advance" in Scientology means exorcism/soul-freeing activities of the Sea Org echelon "Advanced Organizations."

All these "OT testimonials" are connected to the Exorcism (Xenu and the body-thetans) echelon of organizations of Scientology.

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